Stewardship Monday: Clean Team

Join the movement! Click the photo to learn more about making your own coastal cleanup event.

International Coastal Cleanup Day is fast approaching! You don’t have to wait to take part in this awesome movement to clean up the shores and the ocean. The Ocean Conservancy is always collecting data about what kinds of trash is found on the shore, in the ocean, or along other waterways. Next time you head to the beach, bring a few supplies and a data sheet so that you can contribute to the cleanup. Want to do more? Organize your own event! You can even host an event as part of the California Coastal Commission’s Coastweeks celebration and have it published on their calendar.

What’s in the numbers?

It is important to make a record of what you are collecting on our waterways and beaches. These data can be part of an important database that has been built since 1986. These numbers can help to identify particular sources, raise awareness and even influence policy-making.

Click here to see the data!

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